Saturday, October 1, 2011


Giving is something I feel is part of both love and service. The opportunities for giving is all around us. I know that I need to be more aware. Giving a smile, remembering a need, doing a small kindness; these things are all effortless, and should be done constantly. Doing so will touch others, but also will make the giver happy, lower our stress, improve our physical being and draw others to us.  I have this need to give, but I often have issues with receiving. Remembering to let others serve is something I need to learn to be gracious at. Accepting love and service should come as freely as serving others, as service should be given as easily as receiving.

~Giving to others can be the most powerful thing we can do for ourselves.
~We should approach gift giving as an opportunity to honor the people we really love.
~By accepting gifts from others we share our strength.
~Service to others should be given out of love, only then is it truly service and not obligation.
~Kindness is something we are each born with, but if we don't practice giving and receiving it daily we will lose that attribute.
~By sharing what you know with others we will learn the lessons we are in need of learning.
~Simply being present and taking part are often the most valuable gifts we can give.
~Sharing what we have unconditionally, will increase abundance for both.
~Take time to be thoughtful and considerate is often the greatest of contributions.
~The right gift does not need to be grand and showy, but simple and well thought.
whole living body+soul in balance

1 comment:

  1. I am much more comfortable giving than receiving...I agree. I should allow others the space to give.
