Thursday, March 23, 2017

14 Habits of Phenomenally Likeable People

1. They develop a positive mental attitude 
and let it be seen and felt by others. 

2. They always speak in a carefully
 disciplined, friendly tone. 

3. They pay close attention to
 someone speaking to them. 

4. They are able to maintain their composure
 in all circumstances. 

5. They are patient. 

6. They keep an open mind. 

7. They smile when speaking with others. 

8. They know that not all their thoughts 
need to be expressed. 

9. They don't procrastinate. 

10. They engage in at least one good deed a day.

11. They find a lesson in failure 
rather than brood over it. 

12. They act as if the person they are speaking to 
is the most important person in the world.

13. They praise others in a genuine way 
without being excessive.

14. They have someone they trust 
point out their flaws. 

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Keys of Success

  1. Start with a dream
  2. Define what you want
  3. Keep your mind positive
  4. Live with integrity
  5. Make people feel important
  6. Empower others
  7. Apply what you learn
  8. Make yourself known to people that matter to your plans
  9. Build self-confidence through taking action
  10. Value your time 
  11. Focus only on one thing at a time
  12. Overcome fears, self-doubt and being too self-conscious
  13. Live with passion
  14. Find the fun part in everything you do
  15. Be creative
  16. Become good and skilled at what you do 
  17. Improve your character traits
  18. Build long-lasting and meaningful relationships
  19. Be persistent and perseverant
  20. Clean up your environment
  21. Delegate
  22. Be consistent
  23. Invest your love, time and energy on things you want to do long term

Friday, March 17, 2017


Today is St Patrick's Day. I think it would be nice to celebrate this holiday in Ireland where it is a huge event. I hope to do that some year. 

There is a charming Irish pub in St Louis that I have had the pleasure to visit a couple times. It is old, for Midwest standards. It's dark and loud. It's everything I imagined an Irish pub to be. I like it there.

I will attempt to find something green to wear today. I'm not sure I own anything green. Green ranks right up there with yellow and orange for me. I avoid them. 

No corned beef and cabbage today either. I already wished my red bearded leprechaun a happy day...
So I think I will just enjoy today being Friday!

Monday, March 13, 2017

A Few Nice Things

• Trees covered in white and pink blossoms.
• Snow flakes the size of corn flakes.
• Easter flowers covering a hill.
• Old weathered barns.
• Long drives on back roads.
• Crisp cold sunny days.
• Birds singing before the sun is up.
• The smell of hot banana bread.
• Audio books.
• Warm snuggly blankets.

Bird Feed

I made two bird feeders for my back yard. But it was still rare for me to see birds out there. So I left a pan of bird feed on the patio. I saw more birds. So, this weekend I sprinkled bird feed all over my tiny little yard. The weekend was cold, but sunny. Today is Monday and they are calling for snow this morning and rain after that. I think the birds must know that. There are dozens of birds in my yard! Blue Jays, Cardinals, big black birds and tiny little birds. Happy Day!