Wednesday, February 25, 2015


To Securing Wealth Each Day
It really boils down to making some sound decisions day-to-day:
  • Set goals. The adage, “If it doesn’t get written, it doesn’t get done” holds true here. Sit down and compose a basic plan that includes your current net worth and debt-to-income ratio. Then, map out a monthly budget and a plan for regular saving and investing.

  • Spend cautiously. It’s easy when you begin making more money to want to buy a more luxurious car or move up to a nicer home. But before spending the money, ask yourself: Would I rather have a fancier car or would I rather be wealthy? Bottom line: If you take extra money and invest it instead of spending it, you could become wealthy. In the same vein, be wary of debt. Avoid using credit cards unless you can pay off the balance quickly. If you do carry debt, concentrate on paying it off as quickly as possible. The interest you’re paying is money you could be saving.

  • Save often. Saving even small amounts over an extended period of time is a sure way to enjoy wealth. The key is to make it something you do regularly and consistently. Here, consider having a portion of your salary automatically deposited in your savings account each pay period (10 percent is a good place to start). Next, educate yourself about investing. After you have enough saved to cover emergencies and unexpected expenses, consider investing in quality stock and bond mutual funds. Just have money deducted from your bank account automatically every month.

(As soon as I have two dimes I am going to try this out!)

Tuesday, February 24, 2015


As I drove home last night in the dark, I saw the eeriness of frozen snow. Never having lived in this climate before I was unaware that snow would look different when ice was added. It melts a bit. It all gets smooth and slick. Like a frosty frozen glass surface. When light hits it in the dark it looks like water. As I drove through the counrtryside last night all the snow covered fields looked flooded. I knew it was just icy snow, yet each time I saw a new slick surface, the panic of flash flooding ripped through me.
Winder is beautiful. I am ready for warmer weather though.

Monday, February 23, 2015


Outside the window I am sitting at,
there is an American flag.
With Old Glory there is also the Texas state flag.
No matter how many state flags I see,
I am still in love with the Arizona state flag.
I think it is the most beautiful of all!

How To Be Charming

One Year Ago Today

A year ago today my son and his friends Matt, Jake and Shane walked door to door through our Arizona neighborhood. They invited and forewarned the neighbors that they would be holding a concert in our garage. Their friends and families joined us. Our street was clogged with cars.
Then these young men preformed, the lyrics they had written, the music they had collaborated.
They were amazing! It is a day I will never forget!

Thought of The Day


Sunday, February 22, 2015


As I traveled from Missouri, through Illinois,
then Indiana and then home to Kentucky,
I witnessed winter. It snowed.
Sometimes is was like driving
through a snow globe.
I passed numerous fields,
I am sure that there will be
corn growing in most of them in the spring,
one field had several
(over twenty) wild turkey.
They were beautiful.
I wish I could have just stopped
and watched them.
As I neared my home,
I was amazed at the amount of snow.
So much snow!
It was beautiful, picturesque,
awe inspiring, scary almost.
The grey brown tree
skeletons near my house,
looked like sentinels
keeping watch as I was away.
The road up the hill turns and twists,
it enters a dense wooded area,
always thrilling and a bit scary.
(Like a scene from a childhood story.)
There in the road were three deer.
I slowed to a stop.
They looked at me, watching them. 
It was Magic!
When I was finally home
I saw that someone had cleared my driveway,
and shoveled a path on my deck to my door.
I don't know what I would have done
if not for this thoughtfulness.
I love where I live.


Yesterday Mark and Amanda woke up early,
purchased donuts and had a
Saturday sunrise picnic at the park.
They are PERFECT!!

Makes my mommy heart so happy!

Saturday, February 21, 2015


"Story telling is only ever been a way of filling in time since everything finished."

D Setterfield The Thirteenth Tale

Snow Ice Cold

This is the view from my bed.
I can not describe the pleasure
Of watching each morning start
out my bay window.
It is so beautiful.

Friday, February 20, 2015

HaPPy CHiNeSe NeW YeaR

Year of The SHEEP/GOAT

According to Chinese astrology, each year (starting from Chinese New Year) is associated with an animal sign, occurring in a 12-year cycle. For example 2015 is a year of the Sheep.
The 12 zodiac animals are: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig.
Year of the SHEEP: 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027.

It's your year!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Sunday, February 15, 2015


My Life Guru once told me there are three things I need to do...

1. Go to the movies

2. Have dinner at a nice restaurant

3. Go on a trip

Easy enough!

But he said I need to do them


I have avoided these things.

There are few things in life I fear more than


But today I will see about concurring all three.

I'll be thinking of you SM!

****(Well, I could see the theater from my hotel room,
while having dinner that was brought up from the restaurant.
I say this was a success!!!)

Friday, February 13, 2015


I HEART Eric Carle

8 Ways To Keep Your Passion Burning

1. Spend some time together reminiscing. Remember how your relationship started? Your first kiss, the things you used to do together or the places you used to go? How about getting all the old photos down from the attic and having a good old belly laugh together. Reminiscing brings back all those lovely memories of bygone years.
2. Communication. It’s not just about being in the same room as each other watching TV, playing on computer or doing the ironing. Turn the TV, computer or the iron off and TALK to each other. It doesn’t have to be a deep and meaningful conversation, just talk about your day or about your plans for the weekend. Just find the time to talk to each other every day.
3. Be more affectionate. One thing my wonderful grandmother always taught me was to remember to give your partner a hello and good-bye kiss. Just a peck on the cheek before you leave for work can set your day off on the right foot and make you feel really loved.
4. Have a romantic meal. Go out for a meal, or budget forbidding, why not cook a romantic meal at home? Put some music on, turn the lights down. You could even buy a sexy game to play for afterwards! Create the opportunity to be together at least once a month.
5. Respect your partner. This is an important one. Respect your partner even when you disagree. Never belittle your partner especially when the kids or other people are around.
6. Get Physical. A sure sign that your relationship has gone off the boil is when you don’t touch each other anymore. Avoid the vicious cycle and break the routine. Make your physical relationship a priority. Hold hands in public, offer lots of hugs and kiss often.
7. Appreciation. Remember to appreciate the small things your partner does for you— such as walking the dog, cooking dinner, putting the kids to bed, doing your washing, fixing the creaky door, or just making you a cup of tea. Never take each other for granted! Why not write five things down you enjoy about your partner and get them to do the same. Then swap lists.
8. Say I love you. This one is so simple and doesn’t require any effort at all, but it has the power to radically change the mood in an instant. Say I love you and say it often!

Strategies To Keep Your Relationship Flame Alight

I Pledge....

Patriotism is something I cherish, something I hold proudly in my heart. I don't think there is enough 'love of country', ownership of national pride out there any longer.

Years ago I would drop my youngest children off at school and on my way to work I would pass several large car dealerships. (I have always been grateful for the huge American flags they fly) As I drove past the glorious Stars and Stipes, the Morning Mayor (a beloved DJ) would, at that moment have an elementary school class say the Pledge of Allegiance. I loved this moment. Each work day, as I drove, I would recite the pledge aloud, while adoring my nations flag.

Years earlier, when my oldest girls were small, I had homeschooled them for a couple grades. We had the flag in our home, we said the pledge. I loved it!

Now I am on my own, I live in the most beautiful country side ever. And each morning as I am getting ready for my day, the radio station I have playing on the old battered radio in my country kitchen, has an elementary school class recite the Pledge of Allegiance. So in my tiny little bathroom, among the everyday things, is my little American flag.

I love to give my devotion to the country that I love!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015



Lying beside you
Here in the dark
Feeling your heartbeat with mine
Softly you whisper
You're so sincere
How could our love be so blind

We sailed on together
We drifted apart
And here you are
By my side

So now I come to you
With open arms
Nothing to hide
Believe what I say

So here I am
With open arms
Hoping you'll see
What your love means to me
Open arms

Living without you
Living alone
This empty house seems so cold

Wanting to hold you
Wanting you near
How much I wanted you home

But now that you've come back
Turned night into day
I need you to stay

So now I come to you
With open arms
Nothing to hide
Believe what I say

So here I am
With open arms
Hoping you'll see
What your love means to me
Open arms

(I fell in love with this song when I was in my early teens....I love it just as much now)

Monday, February 9, 2015


As I watched the Super Bowl and they showed live shots of the stadium, I could see the sunset reflecting off it. I've driven past it so many times that I knew just what those colors looked like if I could just see where the reflection was coming from, over the white tanks. I loved the sunset over the mountains. I always will.

Sunday, February 8, 2015


A neighbor remarked
"You have a lot of baggage for someone who likes adventure."

I walked through my cute country house and pondered.

The rest of my life Will be a journey of adventures....but no matter where life takes me, I always want to have home to come back to.

Friday, February 6, 2015

WoRD oF THe Day

PREMIUM : a high value, or a value in excess of what is normally expected; of exceptionally high quality

Brands that fall into the premium category often defy demographics such as age and income and focus more on the mindset of the client. In other words, the space between "luxury" and "mass market" is Premium. Decision are based on passion or interests, not income.

Premium Brand Examples ~ To clarify:

*Automotive: BMW, Lexus and Acura are clear examples of premium products. (Examples of luxury products: Mercedes-Benz, Jaguar and Rolls-Royce; mass-market products: Hyundai, Chevrolet and Ford)

*Retail examples in the United States: Nordstrom, Crate & Barrel and Pottery Barn are premium products. (Examples of luxury products: Tiffany, Saks Fifth Avenue and Neiman-Marcus; examples of mass-market products: Sears, Target and Wal-Mart)
Premium Products Sizzle

Simply put, these days, premium products are ''hot.'' Here are some other premium brands that appeal to a broad mix of people, not just the affluent or more seasoned consumer:
Grey Goose® vodka
Starbucks coffee
Victoria's Secret women's intimate apparel
Viking kitchen appliances

Many people are willing to spend more on products and services that are important to them in spite of their income, a concept called Trading Up.

Here are some words that help describe  premium brands:
Refined yet comfortable
Comfortable, reliable and dependable
Modern-day sensibilities combined with an authentic style
Romantic, nostalgic
Elegant yet unpretentious
Warm, inviting . . . authentic

Thursday, February 5, 2015


Today Bob Marley would have been 70! HaPPy HaPPy!!!

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Words with “Muscle”

Words can create vivid images
and paint sensory pictures.
Words stimulate the imagination.

·         Visual Words: sparkling, azure, gorgeous, moonlight
·         Action Words: splashing, hiking, dazzle, dancing
·         Auditory Words: crashing, music, tinkling, thundering


Research shows that you have only six seconds to make a good first impression.
Within those six seconds you need to come across competent, ethical, friendly, enthusiastic and knowledgeable.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Monday, February 2, 2015


It was really cold this morning, and super windy.
And as I left the house there were snow flurries!
The snow flakes were very tiny and very perfect.
I love winter!