Sunday, October 23, 2011

The next chapter....

As my children get older and their social lives expand, my role as Mom is changing. I have played the maternal role for 25 years. I have always had little kids in my home. And now, for the first time I only have teens and young adults. They have plans and dates and schedules to keep. They dont want to hang out with mom as they use to. They have lives. Two of mine are older than I was when I started this career. Yet I still don't feel any older.
I adore my children, not just the ones I gave birth to but also the ones that have been added to my family. They all have a place in my heart. I not only love them but I like them also. I have enjoyed watching them grow and change, learn and succeed. They delight and thrill me. They teach me things daily. I am a very very proud Mom! I like what they think, what they say, what they believe and who they are. Even when I don't agree with them, I still am proud of everything about them.
I have loved being the mom. It is the one thing in my life I hope to be remembered for. I was asked recently what my accomplishments in life have been. (I had just listened to a man tell me all the places he had been and things he had done thus far in his life. I was in awe with all he had told me. Yet as the question was asked of me, no thoughts of the places I had not been or the things I had not done came to mind.) I simply said "I have four amazing children. I have succeeded at being a mother."
The only thing greater in my mind than being a good mother, is to be a wonderful grandmother. I hope someday to get that opportunity as well!
This week my Cookie had her first weekend away with friends. She was away Wednesday through Sunday. She had a wonderful time, did new things, made new friends, went outside her comfort zone. It was a great experience for her. My son had dates to go on, movies to see, dinners to be enjoyed. He had his senior photos taken. He even helped his dad work on his car. He did spend part of this Sunday with me. But the facts are.... my children are growing up. My role is changing.
I have the opportunity to do things I want to do, go places I want to go, and I get to find new people to share my time with. Although that sounds amazing, it is so totally outside what I have done all my adult life. Outside my comfort zone. Don't get me wrong....I like being a priority. But it is all new to me.
So here is to the next chapter in my life. 

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