Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Lock Down At The Harbor

My Cookie stayed after school today to hang out with friends (I miss her being little enough to still call it a play date). Her one friend's mom is a teacher at the school. So my daughters group of friends gets to hang out and have the run of the school, until teacher stuff is finished.
Today, I got home late, I had a ortho appointment right after work. I forgot that she had plans with her dad and needed to be home at 4pm. So as soon as I realized it I called to her. At that time I found out that all the kids who had stayed at school where stuck there. The school was in a lock down. I chatted with her for a few minutes. Calmed her. Someone had been seen a man with a gun in the neighborhood. And when that was reported, the school went into lock down. All after school program kids, all after school sports kids, all after school kids where brought in and could not leave. So I let her know she was in the safest place and she would be fine.
I live less than two blocks from the school. I can hear the announcements from home. I should have worried about this gun man that was on the lose. I did hear the helicopters right over head. But gosh darn the the weather is so great today. So I opened all the doors and windows and figured if this mad man picked my home to socialize at, my 8 pound ferocious dog would protect me!  After all, I know that  lock down is just protocol, and that if we were in true harm then someone would have all the kids on my block head home too.

When I got the call from the school an hour later, I went to get Cookie. I drove, although walking might take 5 whole minutes, in slow motion. All the kids where in one hall, each parent had to sign there own out. I got to see some parents I just never get to see anymore, some teachers I love too. We went home and  my daughter headed for her afternoon with her dad.

I am grateful that the school and the police department take good care of our kids. I am thankful for great teachers and friends that add to my children's lives. I am so grateful for our ginormous guard dog too. And so very thankful for the perfect weather we enjoyed for this nifty learning experience.

(When Cookie left to go with her dad, she made sure I locked the front screen door. So I did. She said she wanted to know I was safe. I didn't tell here that every window was open and the back screen door doesn't even have a lock. After all.....I have Fido to keep me safe!)

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