Saturday, December 31, 2011


New years resolutions are something I love to set. Yet I always fall short as the year moves forward.
I have found that, for me, putting my desires for improvement and the wants for new into my Bucket List helps me far grater than resolving for a new year.
For the past few years I have welcomed in the new year with a word. I was introduced to this concept by a dear friend. Choosing a word that will represent what you want out of the new year. A reminder of your goals. I think the process of determining a best word to fit the new year is a wonderful challenge. And you will know you have the right word when it feels as though it fits!
As my friend asked "What is your one little word for 2012?" on FB, I enjoyed reading some of the responses... simplify, love, do, improve, faith, hope, commitment. In the past I have chosen Opportunity and Possibility.
(I learned a long time ago, not to be asking anything of God that may come  back as a harsh learning lesson. So I will steer clear of anything even remotely questionable)
I have been giving my word some in depth thought for well over a week now. And when I hit the right one,
I knew it. I feel good in my word, like the perfect pair of shoes.
My word for 2012 is "MORE"! Not as a selfish desire, but as I want to get more out of everything I do. I want to be more of each thing I take part in, I want to give more, I want to enjoy more.
This is the perfect word for 2012 for me.
I was chatting with a very dear friend in Utah tonight. And she brought up the word for the year. I told her my word and my thoughts on it. We talked about how each word gets to be so spot on to our life at the time. How I went through the year of Opportunity, then the year of Possibility, this year will be the year for More....and perhaps 2013 will be my year for "The Whole Enchilada!!!" ..... can I use a phrase for my word?
Well maybe next year!!!

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