Saturday, December 3, 2011

It's Beginning To Look Alot Like Christmas

1 comment:

  1. Yesterday afternoon my children and I were putting up the Christmas tree. I realized as I became 'Grumpy, Sargent Mom' that although I love having the tree up and beautiful, I hate the process of getting it that way. And not only that but I transmit that to my children.
    As the tree was lit and I was sweeping the floor, my Son came home with Amy. (he had left to go get her when I was only two thirds of the way into stringing the lights, and about that time Cookie got very into the book she had been reading. SO... left alone with my bad attitude, I found a new station on Pandora; Classic Christmas, and I finished the task at hand).When my boy came home he said he was sorry........ HE WAS SORRY???? I was the one that drove my kids away from the festive chore. I hugged him, told him it was me not him, that I was sorry and I loved him.
    Amy produced pictures on her smart phone, of the storage she had to move in order to get at the Christmas boxes at her place, and then the photos of the lovely tree in her families living room. She then stated that she loves all the prep for the season. Later as I sat in our darkened little home, listening to "Walking in the air" by the Prague Philharmonic Orchestra (my new favorite...I will buy that one!), I again realized that my life is good. I also saw that I need an attitude adjustment regularly, and that it is time to take the next fork in the road. So, as I welcome this Holiday season, the old and the new, I will go forth with a happy attitude and a smile, because I already have the very best treasures!
