Saturday, December 10, 2011

Love Lessons!

Why is it that the most important lessons in life are not taught?
I think we all need "Relationship Communication 101" and "Spice Up Your Relationship" classes!

I believe that a relationship needs to stay fun in order to last. If you get into a routine it's hard to get out of that rut. Been there, done that! I also know that even those of us that are really in love with our someone special, don't share all the little things that we would like them to know. I think everyone who really wants to make a relationship work needs to read "The Five Love Languages" learn what you need, share that information. Ask for what you need. Ask your partner what they need to feel loved. Filling your someone specials love bucket should be a full time recreation! If every partner took on thier loved ones needs, as favorite past time.... Well, what a wonderful world it would be!

Let me tell you about a couple of young men I know! They are both delightful! Both are very family oriented (close to thier siblings and big time Momma's Boys)and have good social circles. They are both buff and good looking.
(I won't give names, because, they are truly dear to me and I don't want to cross any lines)

The first young man is goal oriented, working on his degree, career and personal goals. He is a party boy, loves to go out, has a huge circle of friends! He is charming and sencer. And by far the best smelling man I know!
This young man gets...'Adding Spice to Life!' He impressed me the other morning (not the first time) when he shared this delightful note with me at work...
"I gave her my phone number in roman numerals!"
I hope this girl figures it out and makes a stealth move.
This young man has a Little Black FaceBook with dozens and dozens of girls.
Selecting one means she is special, creatively pursuing her means his head is in the game!!!

The second young man is just learning what life has to offer. He has a desire to explore life, sample the options. He is a compassionate good friend. He has the best sence of humor I have ever seen and he is very musically gifted.
He has the perfect girlfriend! Not only is she perfect for him, but his family loves her too! (And she picked him!!) He knows the treasure he has in her. He wants to ensure they never fall into a rut, that they always stay fun and new. So he is implementing some things into their relationship. He is calendaring biweekly activities, creative interactive date ideas (like picnics, sight seeing, local tours) to ensure that they will retain that spark, that Fun!
He gets it!!!

There you go... Chivilry and Romance are still very much a part of the game!!!

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