Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Pleasantly Surprised

This afternoon, I went to my daughters school. She was to meet with a teacher, to make up some missed work. When I arrived, her dad was there with her. I was surprised and delighted that he had taken the time to be part of her world, to help her see that school and her grades are a priority. Perhaps we are on the same kid page! I think that would be so great for this child!

1 comment:

  1. I guess you can't have everything.... Yes his attempt at parenting may have been tward the right scholastic direction. But at 8:30 (1/2 hour late) he dropped off two kids who had reached their tolerance level.
    At some point I truly hope he can realize the past is over, the kids are the future. The things we say and do now will build the bond with these two. Pissing them off only pushes them away!
