Wednesday, February 21, 2018


Technology is changing the way we see things. Yet I wonder how much true stock we should put into the scientific view we are given. Case in point:

1. A few of my close friends decided to have their DNA tested to find out there heritage. A costly bit of trivia I thought. When thier results came back we all oohed and ahhed over the brightly colored graphs that coresponded with the brightly colored global map. This showing where their lineage originated. However, at the bottom of each individuals graph it showed the percentage that was Unknown. If technology can tell you where 97% of your genealogy comes from, why can’t it detect that last little bit???

2. A friend has been suffering from a debilitating headache. Today her doctor requested an ex-ray be taken. As anyone would imagine, it was to view if her bones were out of line, thus causing the pain in her head. The email she received this evening, to provide her the results... because technology is so great that we no longer need the human touch of a call from the doctor or his staff...said that no evidence was found that her bones where out of line. But the email did go onto report that the ex-ray did show signs of chronic constipation.
Very interesting perhaps, but how does that contribute to her headache?

After laughing over the findings for several minutes, we decided that although technology is amazing, it’s still just a bit of gibberish that costs too much and doesn’t give a clear picture of reality.
Oh the fun of the modern world!!

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