Sunday, February 11, 2018


The ice that clings to the branches of the trees, to the fields, to the power lines, look just like diamonds that were strung there.

These first four pictures were taken Thursday, from the back steps of the spot my heart calls home. These trees, are what caused me to fall in love with Kentucky.
To see the diamons stung on every branch was breathtaking. I am grateful for the moments I had this week to listen to the Kentucky woods as the ice was warmed and the diamonds sparkled. Truly a gift!

These photos were taken this morning. Not the glory I saw in Kentucky, but how grateful I was to see the clinging jewles from my back window. 

Tonight I was out with a friend, and again all around me.

This week was one of my personal hardest. I had to see outside my own personal box. I had to put my faith, heart and future in the hands of my Heavenly Father. I asked him to bless all those involved, to protect my heart and to guide me. I was surprised at how calm I became, even though the chaos in my head and heart was overwhelming. I am normally lost without having a goal in sight, however, I have been blessed this week, because I was not only told that "It will be ok" but I was given peace when I have most needed it. I can truly say that my foot prints where not the ones I saw, but they belonged to my Heavenly Father as he carried me through this week. He has also let me see the beauty that still exists, when I was sure it was all gone. Eek

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