Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Healing Place

Sometimes we are introduced to new concepts, life paths, a change of heart, or a strength that we may have never really given any thought to. 
I met a man who has lived a life so very different from mine. He has experienced things I will likely never attempt, participate in, or endure. His life could be be called "A self imposed train wreck". 
Yet he has come full circle. Although he will tell you that he will never be able to fully repay what he has been given. 
What we do with what we have been given and what we are, is up to us. We can choose to stay on the path of non-progression or we can ask for help. We can do the things, little and big, easy and hard, that will clear our path way. But as my friend said, "We are no better than the drunk man in the gutter nor the wealthy man in the jet above us." I guess prospective is vital.
 The process of becoming someone you like, can be a very long, hard, lifelong endeavor.  But so worth the effort. Along the way, values are restored, routines set in place. And although all the rules and guidelines may not be liked or something you will ever choose to completely agree with, going through the steps will take us along that path to be  the person we can like. 
Liking ourselves, can give us the opportunity to re-establish relationships with those we love, and start new relationships with others. Giving to others will create a propelling drive with in us, to do more, to be more. 

I have been made aware, that there is more to life than what I am comfortable with in my bubble. I am grateful for this amazing man who has so much to give, who is being such an example. I am in awe of his ability to overcome 'the train wreck' and move forward. Bravo Sir!!

"The Healing Place"
"Homelessness is a complex growing problem today. Estimates are that 1% of the population in the U.S. will become homeless during the course of one year. For the majority of those who become homeless it is a one time event. Typically it is the result of a major event such as an illness, or the loss of a job. The majority will find permanent housing in a matter of months. But for those who suffer from an addiction or have an accompanying mental health problem, an episode of homelessness can end up lasting years.
What we know today is that the majority of those who are homeless and addicted can be rehabilitated. Given the proper tools, a safe environment and sufficient time, most addicts and alcoholics will be able to return to the community as productive citizens.

Founded as a homeless shelter in 1989, The Healing Place has become one of the nation's most effective long-term, social model recovery programs. With 65 percent of our alumni remaining sober after one year, our success rate is five times the national average for recovery facilities.
While our statistics are great, its important to remember that we are talking about people. Today, over 2,700 individuals are leading productive lives and many are reunited with their families because of our unique approach to recovery. Our program relies on the assistance and guidance of its alumni to supplement traditional approaches to recovery."

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous said...
    Thank you Angie,sometimes we all just need a little help.
    July 29, 2011 2:40 AM
