Sunday, July 3, 2011

Go, take that First Step!

I know that life changes. That things dont end up as we planned when we are young. Yet life goes on.
And we make choices that change our future, change everything in our lives. I have lost much, some of which I dont know that I will ever get back. But, I can say that change is not a bad thing.No matter how hard the first step, or the road ahead. I know that change is good, it gives us the opportunity to grow, to live, to learn to like, even love ourselves.
We can choose to stand still, or we can take the steps to have joy. I for one, will never look at change as a scary thing again. I have come too far, learned too much, felt new joy. I can not say that new choices, new paths, rocky roads ahead are not worth taking. I know they are. All great people took chances, took that unsure first step. They changed their lives, giving up some parts, to allow new things, to have a chance at something better.
To everyone who feels stuck, longing for more, I say "Take that first step. It is the hardest, but it will give you the strength to do great things!"

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