Tuesday, December 5, 2017

What the #€[/ is this?

I ran upstairs to touch up my hair and make up just before 7:00 tonight before I met some friends for dinner. When I turned to head back down stairs I saw something out of place.

This was on the hall wall. Someone has been in my apartment when I was not here. I felt queasy and panicky. I texted my friend who had been over this past weekend to see if he had put this thing up and I blindly had not noticed it. (He has been my handy man as of late and perhaps he put this up out of concern for me...? No I didn't beleave that, nor did I believe that I could be that blind to not to have noticed someone putting up hardwear in my upstairs hall. But I thought I would ask the ridiculous first). He of course said "No". I suddenly felt a bit more sick and violated all at the same time. As I drove to dinner I called the apartment complex manager. Who was not available. So I left a crazed, panicked, angry message, requesting a return call as soon as possible. Panicked still, I called the emergency maintained number for my complex. No it wasn't any of their listed emergencies; however if the complex had not been in my apartment today, this very much could be a whole other kind of an emergency. I may have been rude the man who returned my call promptly. In the end I did apologize and thank him. And he did tell me that a notice had been left at my door Monday and that the new maintenance worker had been in my apartment today. And that the smoke detectors had been replaced along with the air filter and by mistake carbon monoxide detectors had been installed. And that someone would be returning in the next few days to correct that unnecessary installation. Then I met my friends for dinner and asked if anyone had been in their apartment today or if they had heard about this thing. They had received a letter on their door about smoke detectors, air filters and new carbon monoxide detectors. (They have gas heat in their apartment, I do not, mine is all electric.) So I called my neighbor Brandi. I asked if she had received any notification about this (please keep in mind, I am a single woman living alone, in Mayberry's Hood. I am more than a little aware of my surroundings. If any of my neighbors gets a note on their door, I see it). Brandi said she did not receive a notice about any maintenance work to be done. However she was home today when they came to replace the smoke detectors, filter and add the obsolete carbon dioxide detector. 
Okay, I am pleased that for the first time in the three years that I have lived here, that  the apartment complex is stepping up to get the little details up to safety code. However, there is a lease agreement clause that states that "notice" will be given before maintenance inside the apartment is done. And if there is maintenance done, a notification is to be left to make the tenant aware. All I saw was this new wall bling upstairs. I am not pleased. 
I can't wait to talk with the management tomorrow. Can't wait!!

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