Thursday, December 21, 2017


AL sat at my desk today. I knew I wasn't the department he needed help with, but he sat down and we started talking. He talked about the road trip that he is taking, and the trip he would like to take. Then he talked about his three sons and how different they are, and how he does not understand the thought process of the younger generation. (AL is late 70's or so) Then he started to tell be about his time in the military. He was stationed in Turkey, where he was dropped in the desert with no food or water for 3 days. His objective was to watch. On the first day he said that a little dog came an befriended him. Starting that night, and for the next day, every couple hours the little dog would get up and walk a circle about 20 yards around AL. Then about 50 yards around AL. The little dog kept this up the entire time. On the night of the third day, as AL was sleeping, he heard a man yelling. He got up and grabbed his weapon. The little dog had taken down a man coming toward AL. The language barrier stood in the way of getting all the man's information, but AL said he was a shepherd, he even held a little lamb. AL told the man to get off the base the way he came. AL told me, and I agree, that his little dog was his guardian angel. He is sure that that night, without his new little pup, he would have died. He went on to tell me about his friend that he made while in the air-force. His friend lived here in Evansville, AL did not. He told me of this friendship and you could see how it effected his life. 
When AL was done, he said, "You should be a counselor, I haven't shared that story with anyone in years, I haven't cried like that in years." I thanked him for sharing his story with me. He was a delight. I love people.  

1 comment:

  1. You have the ability to make anyone who comes in contact with you happy. You are so very special.
