Saturday, April 7, 2012

2012 ~ 269

Friday Night Out
I rented a car for the weekend.
It's Prom after all.
As Cookie and I ran some errands,
she asked if she and I could go on a
drive. She asked if she could learn to
pump gas. So she did! And she did a
fine job!! Then we hit the road.
She chose the direction and the radio
station. We drove Phoenix and viewed
the city lights! Windows down and
great conversation! Very nice!
I love her SO much!

1 comment:

  1. Angie, this warms my heart. I am happy to hear you and Cookie are having special Mommy/Daughter times. I love and miss you, but will see you soon. Lunch soon. Love, Marge
    Happy Easter to you all. God Bless you.
