The Procrastination Self Test:
The answer to that question can help change your behavior. Don't put off taking this self-test.
Do You...
1. Think of all the ways something could go wrong?
2. Imagine how people would view you if you failed?
3. Fear that you will ultimately let someone down?
4. See yourself as inadequate?
5. Say "I can't" when someone asks you to do something?
6. Prefer not to do something at all than to do it imperfectly?
7. Wait until the "right" time to face a challenge?
8. Find that completing almost any task is arduous and slow?
If You Answered Yes to ...
1-3: Fear of Failure Has You Hamstrung.
Try It: Pull the Plug on Catastrophic Thinking. Convinced you'll not just make a mistake but will ruin everything? Challenge that theory: What evidence do you have that this is true? Chances are, the things you imagine to be life-ending would merely present you with new challenges -- and opportunities.
4 or 5: You're Short on Self-Esteem.
Try It: Prove That You Can. Many people who procrastinate believe they are incompetent, even when their performance suggests otherwise. Putting things off prevents you from ever succeeding, reinforcing this negative self-perception. Make yourself attempt one difficult task and see what happens. You may be surprised at what you're capable of!
6-8: Your Perfectionism Is Paralyzing You.
Try It: Be Average (for a Change). Pick a project that you've been avoiding and just do it. Hit a few key points in your presentation instead of making an exhaustive list. Rather than organize the entire kitchen, do one cabinet. You need to accept a little imperfection to realize that it beats getting nothing done at all.
Adapted with permission by New Harbinger Publications, Inc., The Worrier's Guide to Overcoming Procrastination
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