Thursday, September 22, 2011


"Accepting everything, just as it is, is a beautiful state to get to. What would it be like to accept yourself just as you are, not slimmer or taller or better looking, just as you are right now? What would it be like to accept your life just as it is: job, family, friends, sex life, prospects, the whole bloomin’ lot, just as it is right now? And what would it be like to accept the world—f**ked-up, messy, warming up, war-strewn, greed-littered - just as it is? Relax, let go and get ready to accept everything as it is." John C. Parkin

I am not sure everything is to be accepted in life. If we accept everything I dont think we would strive to improve or move forward. I Don't want to accept all things. I wont. I need to know there is still hope for more, a light at the end of a tunnel, that things are going to change. I will accept some things. But not Everything. amhj

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