Sunday, May 22, 2011

Moving Forward

I am sitting outside the SLC Temple at 9am on Sunday morning. There is a little cafe outside the temple walls. (It's closed, it's Sunday in Salt Lake after all.) But the spot is quaint and quiet.
May in Utah is lovely. I was sure I would find purple Irises planted here. To my surprise, there isn't one on Temple Square.
There are so many things I love about the area; the architecture, the green, all the trees and flowers. I love the feeling I have here, it's not home but it's peacefully. I have never been here alone before. It's good to be alone sometimes.
The last time I was here I came with friends. I went to the Conference Center to listen to the MormonTabernacle Choir. Then I went to church, not conference, but Sacrament meeting, with the Prophet.
I also went inside the SLC Temple that trip.
I have prayed all my life. I know God, and I know he knows me.
On that last trip I can tell you that I spoke with God. The lessons learned that day may not have been for that day. But sitting here now, reflecting, chatting with God.... I can say, the lessons were learned. The peace I looked for was given. The elements I needed were tangible and real. I know what was asked for and I know what was received. I am grateful and humbled.
As always, in my life, I wish I could see the big picture. The last time I was here I didn't think the next time would be for these reasons or in these circumstances. But, I am delighted that this is why and when!
I have always known God, I may be a little off the path right now, He and I may not see eye to eye. He has always known that I am a work in progress, obviously one he is willing to keep working on, like a hobby or an abstract art project maybe. But I know He loves me. I can see it in my life.
I fly home today. I will take beautiful memories and photos with me. But more than that I will take lessons learned and love given, and add them to my game plan.
It's time to move on, in more ways than one. Change is always good. I told God that I was tired of being strong and all that goes with that. I think I heard him say "You will be okay" !
Now I know, when he tells me that, it doesn't mean, "wait and watch". It means "go and do"!
The breeze is chilly, it's time to move on, move forward!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. I love you my friend - you are strong - and I have always known that you would be okay !!! You are an amazing woman and a fabulous mom with so much to offer all those around you !!! Even when you don't realize people can feel it !!! I am happy you had a wonderful weekend !!!
