I am in love.....
from the moment I wake up in the morning, to the minute I fall asleep at night.
I have an obsession. I didn't think I would. I know others who do. I thought they where freaky! Now I know that once you get a hold of it, once your fingers start the search....its very difficult to leave alone. Its all you want to concentrate on, explore, fill your time with. I know where it is at all time, I panic if I let it out of sight for even a minute. If my mind wonders, on children or work or some other distraction, and then I regain my senses, I feel like a child rediscovering the most wonderful Christmas gift ever! It was meant to be just a tool, a needed thing...not a thing that I need.
Yet....here I am.....totally in LOVE with.....my iPhone. I may need to seek help...But John already sent me the site to sign up for classes!! YAY!!!
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