Tuesday, January 26, 2021


Habit 1: Be Proactive

We need to assume responsibility for our lives and avoid reacting to external circumstances all the time. 

Habit 2: Begin with the end in mind

We can cut down on time we spend achieving a goal if we work with a clear goal in mind. A clear mental picture and written steps to achieve our goals make it easier to get there. 

Habit 3: Schedule your priorities

We should learn to identify things that are important to us and focus on working on them. This will reduce the pull of urgent but not important things in our lives. 

Habit 4: Think Win-Win

In negotiations, we need to seek what is beneficial to everyone rather than gaining a substantial advantage over others. The relationship is more important than getting an extra share of pie. 

Habit 5: Seek first to understand then to be understood

Before proffering solutions to problems, we must ensure we listen to others and have a clear picture of the situation, their worldview and emotions. 

Habit 6: Synergize

When we accept help from others, we will achieve goals we would never have been able to achiever alone. Respect for individual differences and self-confidence helps us to achieve synergy. 

Habit 7: Sharpen the saw

To sustain our effectiveness, we need to take time out to recharge and reflect on our values. 


There are four dimensions to our lives as humans which need to be kept sharp. 

They are the physical, spiritual, mental and social (emotional) dimensions. 

Physically, we need to mind what we eat, engage in regular exercises and allow only a healthy dose of stress in our lives. 

Spiritually, mindfulness exercises, prayer, reflecting on our values, mission statement and paradigms are essential practices. 

Mentally, we need to engage our hobbies more and read good books. Cut down the time we spend watching TV and create something useful. Journaling, writing poems or letters are some examples. We can also be involved in planning and organizing events to keep our minds active. 

Socially, we can make efforts to build healthy relationships. Participate in activities that involve other people and show genuine love to them. Make efforts to live peaceably with everyone. 

Have a pleasant charm. 

S.R. Covey

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