Sunday, August 28, 2011

Dinners Prepped and Frozen

I have such a hard time getting motivated to plan and prep dinner after work and kid stuff every day.
So yesterday I went grocery shopping. I tend to be very frugal when I shop, although I need to get back to doing the coupon thing the way I use to. I do miss the totally full pantry experience.
After I got home I went about prepping meals. I have a few more to prep, but.....
I prepped 18 dinners. All the beef and chicken are seasoned or marinating. I still have the pork to prep, and a few casseroles. But when I am finished, I will have a months worth of dinners ready to go. I wont have to think, I will just have to choose the dinner we want each night and make make it fresh in 30 minutes.
My son was saying the other day how he missed Entrees Made Easy; a business that you could do just what I did yesterday, take all the meals home and stick them in the freezer. So the planning and prep was done, yet you made a wonderful fresh dinner each night. Although this wasn't a new friends and I had been doing it for years at home. But as our family dynamics changed, and I worked more, even though that alone should have caused me to keep up the good habit, I stopped the routine.
My family is wonderful, they never complain about food. They will eat just about anything I put in front of them, just about! But I know variety and fun are important elements in family dinners.
After I was finished with my prep work, my son had his girl friend over and it was well past dinner time. I asked what they wanted to eat. My perfect son said "Pizza!" He smiled. He has learned a very very good lesson: When you shop, clean and prep all day, you shouldn't have to make dinner too!
So we had pizza for dinner! And I went to bed!  
 Happy, stress free Mom + full freezer = Happy Family!!

1 comment:

  1. That's my favorite way to end a big grocery shop and meal prep day...with pizza! I love you sister-cousin. Very much!
