Tuesday, June 11, 2024


My son had a good job, with a good company. When he first started with them a few years ago he rapidly became a favorite with the staff and his employees. The company saw the drive and interaction ability in this young man and filled his work plate to overflowing. That causes burnout. 
When he was doing the job of two people and getting paid less the his coworker, he took it to management. He innovated changes but the company didn’t budge. So my son took a job offer for more money with another company. 
He is very hard working, very dedicated; do the job, do it right, take care of your peeps, work until the job is done. 
The new job didn’t stand by the same ethics my son does. He was making more money and he liked the concept of the new company, but not the short sighted planning the company had. 

He reached out to an old coworker friend and made a compelling offer. He negotiated for the better and took back his old job with better pay and better boundaries. 
On his return to his old company, everyone was happy to have him back. Right away he set into place his new strategy for the position. He made a powerful case and company is listening. He wants to teach the people to fish, so they are self sufficient and the whole team can work smarter, for a better outcome for everyone. 
The past six months have taught my son new lessons and helped him hone the skills he already had, into something that will benefit so many more. 
For the first time in quite a while he went to work, excited to go to work. I am proud of this young man. 

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