Wednesday, June 26, 2024


As I drove home from work yesterday, I took a congested neighborhood street. There were cars parked on both sides of the street. (I choose to drive neighborhood streets rather than the main streets; there is less traffic and the neighborhoods are pretty.) As I turned onto this neighborhood street, I noticed that there were more cars than usual, lawn care trucks, renovation vehicles, so I went slower than normal. As I rolled down the block I saw a large dog slowly walk out from between two cars, his leash was followed by a young boy, who was followed by a mom staring at her cellphone. I had already come to a stop, as soon as I saw the dog actually. But the mom didn’t look up until she was in the center of the street. She waved, I smiled and waved. I know that it is probably their street and they are very familiar with the coming and going, but aren’t you supposed to look before you cross the street?
I try to be observant, after all, it’s my responsibility to help keep little kids and dogs safe no matter where I am. 

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