Saturday, June 1, 2024


I packed my house into a u-haul truck and parted with what wouldn’t fit. 
I had gone over the rout I was taking repeatedly. 
I was ready for the adventure that I was about to undertake. 
People have told me that I was brave to start all over. But I didn’t see it that way. I was afraid to miss out on all the rest of the adventures. I knew if I stood still, continuing from the spot I was at, I would never know what else was out there. And I have such a desire to see it all, do it all, experience it all. 
Ten years have changed me. My experiences in this life chapter have been amazing. I am grateful to have had so many opportunities, met such amazing people and truly learned all about me. Looking back… I’m so proud of myself. Looking forward… I’m ready for whatever comes next! 
Here is to the next 10 years!

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