Friday, June 14, 2024


Driving to Nashville early this morning, I passed a sign that said
“Be Still and Know”. I know it’s a bible verse, a song and a movie. But in that moment, driving in the dark, I thought about my path. Not the road to Nashville or the trip I’m about to embark on. But my life path. 
A dear friend once told me to look over my shoulder at the path I have walked. To witness the paths that I have crossed in my progress, to appreciate how far I have come and the obstacles I have overcome. 

I know that everyone has obstacles, and no path is easy. But to let those obstacles stop your progress is a true travesty. To get so complacent with your surroundings and not continue to move forward is not living. 
So as I mentally stood still, I took a moment to look forward. I don’t know what’s coming, none of us do. But I regret nothing, and I happily look to the future. 
My future. 
I Know I’m heading in the right direction and I’m happy to travel my path. I like myself and every day is a magical adventure! 
I’m blessed. 
Maybe my road sign should say…
“Be Still and Know, Smile and Keep Moving Toward The Next Fork In The Road”!!!!

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