Tuesday, June 25, 2024


Thanks BB, Thumb Butte Mountain 


“Skill can be taught. Character you either have or you don’t have.”
                                       Anthony Bourdain


Enjoy your life rhythm
Know that even the 
Steps backward 
Are part of your dance!

Sunday, June 23, 2024


If you can’t join the 
military with a felony 
on your record,
how can a person with a felony become Commander in Chief?

Asking for several friends.


When I hear someone say
‘Life is hard’ 
I wonder…
Compared to what?

Life is a journey
Enjoy the ride!

Saturday, June 22, 2024


Neale Donald Walsh

Friday, June 21, 2024

2010 June 21st

Summer Solstice Concert at McCormick Ranch Park, I love these Memories!♥️♥️♥️


Today is the Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year. We also have a full moon. Happy Friday 🍓

Sunday, June 16, 2024


It means I love you! 


I spent some time in Tom’s Salsa Garden this afternoon. I haven’t ever seen such tiny tomatoes before. They have the most amazing flavor. I don’t know the variety of peppers either, but they were so abundant! Many had dried on the vine, but my plan is to clean all that were harvested and dry them for use later. 
They are beautiful! 


I took a drive today. I left my sons place at about 7am. I drove areas my kids grew up in, areas I grew up in. I drove through Peoria, Glendale, North Phoenix, Scottsdale and Paradise Valley. I was happy to see that The House of Rice was still in business, even though it was too early to go explore. There were people playing soccer and doing tai chi. Then I headed out to Fountain Hills.
I almost ran over a Road Runner, they are beautiful and fast. 
I saw signs for wild horses and elk, but didn’t see any. 
I drove through Tonto National Forest then up to Payson, I loved watching the topography change. And as the desert changed to high desert; pines and aspen trees, my heart did the desert dweller happy dance. For me it’s always been about the green, I have always longed for trees. And even though the sky was completely blue, not a cloud in sight, I still caught a whiff of dew on the creosote brush, the mesquite, paloverde and the ocotillo. Absolutely one of my favorite smells. 
The drive took me on about 225 miles of desert highways. Some having 7% downhill grade. I may have a bit of Mario Andretti in my blood line, I was hitting 95 mph as I took those highways, at one point I wondered if all four tires were on the road as I took a turn. 
It was nice to see some areas I haven’t seen in so so long. And reconnect with my roots.
I had a lovely time! Glad I had the opportunity to do a self guided tour of my hometown. 

Saturday, June 15, 2024


 Hours of solo pool time today. Haven’t been this kind of happy since I was a kid. Total mental and physical therapy. 110 degrees, unlimited pina coladas and happy tunes. I’m a very happy woman! 

Friday, June 14, 2024


The first modern flushable toilet was invented in 1596 by Sir John Harrington who installed one for his godmother, Queen Elizabeth 1.
His invention came complete with a water tank and a flush valve. However, the flush toilet wouldn't really take off for another 250 years. Most of the toilets in Medieval Europe were either holes in the ground, communal outhouses or chamber pots.
If you were lucky and born into tremendous wealth, you would have the luxury of using a garderobe (derived from the French word for "wardrobe"), which was a small rooms built adjacent to the wall of a medieval castle. The toilet would be connected to a vertical shaft that would run all the way down to the ground. Garderobes which literally translates to "guarding one's robes" originated from the practice of hanging clothes in the shaft as a way to kill fleas by using the ammonia in urine.
Occasionally some brave knights would conduct sneak attacks by entering the castle via the shaft connected to the garderobe. Throughout history, there have been a number of famous people who have died on the toilet. Several of them were stabbed from below while in the process of defecating.
These people include King Edmund II of England (30 November 1016), Jaromír Duke of Bohemia (4 November 1035), Godfrey IV Duke of Lower Lorraine (Circa. 26 or 27 of February 1076), Wenceslaus III of Bohemia (4 August 1306) and Uesugi Kenshin (19 April 1578).

Now we all know.


Driving to Nashville early this morning, I passed a sign that said
“Be Still and Know”. I know it’s a bible verse, a song and a movie. But in that moment, driving in the dark, I thought about my path. Not the road to Nashville or the trip I’m about to embark on. But my life path. 
A dear friend once told me to look over my shoulder at the path I have walked. To witness the paths that I have crossed in my progress, to appreciate how far I have come and the obstacles I have overcome. 

I know that everyone has obstacles, and no path is easy. But to let those obstacles stop your progress is a true travesty. To get so complacent with your surroundings and not continue to move forward is not living. 
So as I mentally stood still, I took a moment to look forward. I don’t know what’s coming, none of us do. But I regret nothing, and I happily look to the future. 
My future. 
I Know I’m heading in the right direction and I’m happy to travel my path. I like myself and every day is a magical adventure! 
I’m blessed. 
Maybe my road sign should say…
“Be Still and Know, Smile and Keep Moving Toward The Next Fork In The Road”!!!!

Tuesday, June 11, 2024


My son had a good job, with a good company. When he first started with them a few years ago he rapidly became a favorite with the staff and his employees. The company saw the drive and interaction ability in this young man and filled his work plate to overflowing. That causes burnout. 
When he was doing the job of two people and getting paid less the his coworker, he took it to management. He innovated changes but the company didn’t budge. So my son took a job offer for more money with another company. 
He is very hard working, very dedicated; do the job, do it right, take care of your peeps, work until the job is done. 
The new job didn’t stand by the same ethics my son does. He was making more money and he liked the concept of the new company, but not the short sighted planning the company had. 

He reached out to an old coworker friend and made a compelling offer. He negotiated for the better and took back his old job with better pay and better boundaries. 
On his return to his old company, everyone was happy to have him back. Right away he set into place his new strategy for the position. He made a powerful case and company is listening. He wants to teach the people to fish, so they are self sufficient and the whole team can work smarter, for a better outcome for everyone. 
The past six months have taught my son new lessons and helped him hone the skills he already had, into something that will benefit so many more. 
For the first time in quite a while he went to work, excited to go to work. I am proud of this young man. 

Monday, June 10, 2024


Benjamin Franklin conducts famous kite experiment June 10th (1752)





“Summer afternoon - summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language.” So wrote Henry James in “The Portrait Of A Lady.” And there is something glorious about them, isn’t there? The way become seemingly endless, the sunlight extending well into the evening if you aren’t paying attention, the grass is rich and the whole world seemingly flowering?

Saturday, June 8, 2024


I think 1053 is a bit too hot, but I’m up for the challenge! 

Wednesday, June 5, 2024


Daily Gratitude 
Stay Active 
Practice Compassion 
Lifelong Learning 
Embrace Change
Love Yourself
Live In The Moment 


Love needs action
Trust needs proof
Sorry needs change

Saturday, June 1, 2024


Classic, beautiful, whimsical, so lovely and magical.
Michael Parkes is one of my all time favorite artists. His work creates such powerful story.
It reminds me of MacKenzie-Child whimsy and elegance. 

A few of my favorite things! 


Mosquito’s hate them, so we should love them! 💚