Sunday, June 26, 2011

Relinquishing Control

Each one of us wants control over our lives. To make the choices, to choose the things that make But we all give that control away, in verrying degrees, to others.
We let them dictate how we feel, what we do, how we live our lives. We give them the ability, even the right to manipulate our actions, thoughts, happiness ... our way of life.
I have asked each of my children if they will smoke cigarettes. The have each said no. I asked them how they know they won't. They each have told me, they already made that choice.
So is that the key in setting your boundries? Setting our choice,our own personal controle, on any area? To set those personal controls prior to the area becoming an issue. Will we stick by our oun desire? Not to be persuaded by someone elses influence over us.
Would that give us the power to not be affected by others actions? The power to not feel the emotions of someone elses carelessness or thoughtlessness or hurtfulness? Would this give us the power to make and follow through with our goals in life; our personal happiness?
Would taking on this personal control give us the power to be who we want to be?
Just in one day, I saw those around me being totally affected by others in their lives. Choices that others were carelessly making, that cause pain, greef, low self esteem, powerlessness, sadness and self doubt. Why?
Perhaps we each need to take back personal control. Take back the power to be who we are. Stop letting others dictate our lives. We each need to make the choices for our selves, prior to facing the issue. So when that stumbling block is imposed in our life path, right infront of us, we will be able to step over it. Not letting others to disrupt who we are or how we feel about ourselves.
No one else has the right to cause pain, hurt, insecurity or lack of self in us. Let's take back that personal control, our personal power. Our right to be ourselves.


  1. Okay, perhaps blogging at 4 something in the morning when I didn't get any sleep makes my thoughs too deep. I will work on getting more sleep!

  2. How very interesting: This was emailed to me today 7/4/11 Is this not what I was saying!
    This fits perfectly!!!

    Raise the Lamp of Liberty!
    Declare Your Inner Independence.

    Today we celebrate the birth of our free nation. Yet never more important than national freedom is internal freedom. We may live in a democratic society, but unless we are free of the inner bondage of fear and separation, we are not truly free.

    Today, break free of the power you have given others to make or break your life. While others may invite, suggest, guide, or influence you, ultimately you alone must live with the choices you make, and so you must choose in accordance with your heart’s guidance. If you have given any person power over your life, take back your power now. No one can hurt you, and no one can save you unless you ordain it.

    Today, declare a revolution of consciousness. Oust the old dictators of self-doubt, attack thoughts, jealousy, and the replaying of old negative patterns of thought and feeling, and replace them with a belief in yourself, trust in the wisdom of life, positive visualization and speech, and the willingness to be grand.

    Today, move beyond human politics, and find unity at the core of your being. At the center of yourself, all states of consciousness within you merge into wholeness. Your economy is based on love: the more love you give, the more you have.

    Today, let the world know that you are a sovereign and powerful nation, comprised of all the experiences and wisdom you have gleaned over a lifetime. Raise the lamp of liberty high, that all may know that you stand for truth.

    Let’s affirm: I pray to walk in peace and freedom, shine as a model of integrity to all.

    Alan Cohen
