Wednesday, May 15, 2024


I dream a lot, and I usually remember at least part of my dreams. Most take bits and pieces of what has been on my mind. But some are totally out of the blue. Last night, as soon as my head hit the pillow I was dreaming… about a Tupperware bowl I haven seen in years. Why? I loved that bowl, it’s true. But I haven’t thought about it, probably since it burned in the divorce fire. But last night I dreamed of it like it was the very best treasure. So this morning I went in search of one. Amazon doesn’t have it, they have lots of others that I had to tell myself I don’t need. But the longer I searched the older I felt. Yes it is available on line, eBay to be precise. And it’s called VINTAGE!
Why dream about something I haven’t seen or thought of in over 15 years? Why!?

Why? ♥️

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