Monday, September 4, 2017

Oceans & Forests of Green

As a girl from Phoenix, I could only imagine the "green" my heart longed for but never knew. When I first came to the Midwest in 2013, the green I saw out that airplane window blew me away. My heart will always belong to the Kentucky woods. However, I have seen that the world is far bigger than I ever imagined, and the green that I longed for my entire life is vast!

I have been to Hawaii and I saw things that fascinated me. Views that truly can be classified only as "Paradise." It was a wonderful experience, one I would like to do a slower more in depth pace.
Hawaii was a much needed moment for me.

Eight years earlier, almost exactly, I sat on the beach in Cali and contemplated my life. I reflected and charted a new path. That was the best decision I had ever made for myself.

I sat on the beach in Honolulu, watching the stars, the storms, the city lights. I walked in the water, feeling so small compared to the vast Pacific Ocean. I pondered many things. I contemplated my life. I reflected and started charting a new path.

This weekend I traveled to Virginia. I have wanted to see this state for over 30 years. To put reality to the stories I was told so long ago. Virginia is beautiful! While there I checked things off my Life List.
I saw the splendor and simplicity of Monticello. It was as wonderful as I knew it would be. I also  went to Virginia Beach. I walked in the Atlantic Ocean. I contemplated my life. I reflected and reviewed my new path.

I can honestly say that I prefer the woods to the water, however, when it comes to the stepping stones in my life, the oceans defiantly helps put things in perspective.

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