Sunday, September 24, 2017

New Things To Me

While in Hawaii I experienced some new things. 

INFINITY POOL: An infinity pool is a swimming pool where the water flows over one or more edges, producing a visual effect of water with no boundary.

I loved this. The evening temps in Maui were great, being in that pool was AMAZING! It was adult only, and we were out there from 10pm to 2 in the morning. The water was great, but ended up feeling chilly as the night went on. So we hopped into the extremely hot, as big as my living room, Hot Tub. Wow it was so hot! After my skin felt sufficiently cooked, we all hopped back into the pool. The pool water felt perfect! The stars were so visible, it was so wonderful. We talked and laughed for hours. It was so much fun acting like kids with so many other grown-ups! Relaxing in Hawaii, listening to the waives crash along the shore, having millions of stars sparkle above and being in this pool that seems to go for infinity was the perfect last evening in Maui!

TOTO TOILET:  The Toto is an innovative toilet that features an integrated bidet. The bidet feature activates at the push of a button on a wall mounted remote control. 

Okay I had always wondered about these fancy bidets. (Since I was a high schooler and my friend Bryan Bingham asked me what they were. I had no idea. So I asked Mr. Page down the street, because I knew he just put one in the new house they were building. He told me, then I had to tell Bryan. Ugh! For a teenage girl I was very embarrassed. But up until I was 50 and took a trip to Hawaii I had never experienced one!)
They also have optional heated seats. Why you would need your toilet seat heated in Hawaii I do not understand. In the Midwest in winter in the middle of the night...YES Please!

At any rate, let me just say I will own a fancy bidet potty one day, I think every girl should!

❤️ More things I wanted to share with you. eek

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