Thursday, June 14, 2012

A Happy Mom!

I am trying to foster love and harmony in our home. Since summer is upon us and my children have time on their hands, I figured we would implement some new life skills. Okay maybe they aren't really new, but they are to my kids, sort of.
They both have to have a chore done each day and help keep the home tidy. They also need to prep one to two meals per week, for our family.
Imagine my surprise, three weeks into summer vacation, and I come home to Cookie making dinner!!! Yes it  was Hamburger Helper (I figured start her out on something that she would succeed at, build her culinary confidence, and who knows what delicious masterpieces she will create) but, she picked it out and was excited to eat it so win win situation! Mark got "laundry detail" today. So as I sat with my feet on the sofa (I can do that, it's mine), having a dish of Cookie's 'super supper' and mixed veggies, Mark kept coming in with laundry questions.
Mark- Do I need to sort all that?
Mark-Can this blue shirt go in the washer?
Mark-Can this dark green shirt go with the blocks?
Mark~Dose this go in black or purple?
I face him at this point, not recalling that we own anything black and purple. Only to see him standing there holding his sisters unmentionables in the air. He was truly perplexed, I wanted to bust out laughing. Here he was holding this bit of girly stuff not having a clue what to do with it. So I cut him a break and told him to add it to the pink pile! Laundry got sorted and a load got washed. Dinner was made and it was yummy!
I am a very happy mom!!!!!

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