Wednesday, June 7, 2023


So many great memories were made last week on vacation, so many. But at the start to our adventure, I found that someone else had been using my credit card. A purchase was made that I never would have spent the money on. So I panicked and made a call. The credit card company canceled my card and the purchase amount was credited back to my account. 

How does this happen? I was at work, working at the time of the purchase. Yet a $668 purchase was used at a company in South Carolina. A company that I would love to peruse. A company that makes lovely things for kitchen…but wait…it’s not my first choice in cooking wear, it’s not even my second choice. And gosh darn it, if someone is going to use my credit card to buy cook wear, I want it to be me, getting what I want. 

New cook wear is not in my budget, even if it is in my credit limit. 

And no one else gets new cook wear on my dime! 


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