Saturday, July 16, 2022


I have recently chatted with a couple different friends and was a bit surprised by something they both said. The conversations were separate, but both hit me the same. I have known one friend for over a decade and the other for several decades. I know them each very well. I respect and enjoy each one of them. If asked to tell a bit about either one, I could and would happily do so. Each is a wonderful person, both have good lives that they have worked hard to cultivate. 
When chatting with my one friend, she said that she can never do enough, that her efforts are never appreciated. She feels like she is running up hill all the time with no end in sight. My other friend told me he was getting things ready for his wife’s return from a visit with her sister. Then he said “Won’t really matter because it won’t be enough.”
My first friend has shouldered more than any one person should have to. She took on the weight of the world for her family and has elevated each of her children and spouse to extraordinary heights. Yet she goes unsupported in her tireless efforts. 
My second friend has moved mountains to ensure that his household is cared for and elevated. He keeps the home running smoothly and the money coming in, to keep the lifestyle that makes his lady happy. But he always has a mile long honey do list and a critic on the job he has done. 
Never enough. 
I guess it’s not abnormal, perhaps there is an epidemic of this. I have another friend who is micromanaged in all aspects of his life. He feels trapped. 
I lived with that feeling for far too long. When I broke the cycle, I swore to myself that I would never live under the confines of someone else’s control and I would make it my mission to elevate those in my life and those I come in contact with. 
Humankind should be in partnership to build each other up, to elevate each other, support and celebrate each other. If effort is equally shared and everyone is equally praised, there will be harmony and happiness. 
Each person is enough, we should all feel we are enough. If you aren’t being told that or if your life situation is causing you to feel less… make a change. 
Life is so short, you are enough, it’s time to enjoy!

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