Monday, June 8, 2020


I think “SELF ESTEEM” is a forgotten component in many people’s lives. The other day a friend said something about not liking herself. 
She is a very well put together woman. She is at the top of her career, extremely talented in so many areas and has accolades to show for her hard work. She dresses impeccable and always looks fabulous. 
Yet over the years, as I have gotten to know her, I have seen that, like so many of us, she puts on a great front to the world and feels so much less on a personal level. I think that somewhere along the line, just like home economics, we stopped teaching children the skill of valuing oneself. 
Maybe it’s the lack of overall respect. We could all use a refresher in respect for others and ourselves. Maybe it’s also GRATITUDE. Having gratitude for others is so important but having gratitude for self is vital. Maybe it’s a combination of so many things. 
I’m not sure of all the right ingredients to build a Happy Human. 
But I’m sure one of them is learning to like who you are, for the person you are. Not for what you can do better than someone else or the nice things you own, but for the person you are with others and alone with yourself. 
Being TRUSTWORTHY, being KIND, being GENEROUS, being THOUGHTFUL. Making good LIFE CHOICES, in public and when you’re in your own, that’s called INTEGRITY. Having the same standards in public and when no one is watching, truly tells who you are. If your life is a just show for others, if you are someone different when away from certain people or if you change when you are with a group, you probably need to work on getting to know the real you. Learn about who you are, what your values are, how you feel about life issues- on your own, not on what your peers say. Learn what you like, what you stand for, what your contribution to society is. Your contribution doesn’t have to be huge, like ending world hunger. How amazing would it be if we all contributed respect and caring for our community and neighbors?! The world would be a better neighborhood!!! If that was the case, we would be able to put more effort into fixing basic issues, like pollution, global hunger, perfecting the chocolate chip cookie!
Bottom line of this soap box speech is…Get to know who you are. IF you don’t like what you find, take the time to become the person you want to be. Treat others and yourself with respect, show gratitude, trustworthiness, kindness and thoughtfulness…all the time… have integrity. These things will cause you to have self-esteem.
I know, from firsthand experience, you will be so much happier!

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