Wednesday, April 27, 2016

WICKED WEATHER and My Harry Potter Closet

When I left the office last night I knew the storm was coming fast. However, it wasn't here yet and I didn't think much of it.
By the time I drove down Covert Ave, I was driving toward it, and the speed that it was heading toward me was amazing.
By the time I turned into my complex the wind had hit, stuff was flying in the air, then the rain poured! I parked and had a very hard time containing the door so the wind wouldn't take it off. Needless to say, getting into the apartment was a trick. I was drenched and very windblown.
I couldn't find my puppy. She was hiding! I gathered our emergency bag and we headed to the Harry Potter closet under the stairs. I realized while in there that my little emergency resort, that I may want to reorganize or redecorate or something. The puppy was okay as long as she was on my lap and I kept giving her treats.
I have some great friends who checked on me ( I love cell phones). And I was also given some great advice for future events like this.
I have never heard the sound that the wind made before, nor had I ever seen the colorful shades that the storm made. It was SCARY...but COOL!
I did read that there was a tornado reported in Newburgh during the event. I live right down the road from there. As I drove to work this morning I saw many trees down and broken. I only saw one home with roof damage. I am sure there was far more damage. Thank heavens my short drive to work didn't show more.
We are looking to get more of this Wicked Weather tonight. I am looking forward to it!!

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