I did something today
that I didn't think I would ever do again.
Ugh. . . . I know.
But I was thinking History Channel, HDTV,
Food Network, Discover Channel, Travel Channel.
We sat down and programmed our favorites.
Then we muted it and did our own thing.
Dinner, homework, base practice.
Then. . . . we gathered in the family room.
I researched eye doctors for Jessette,
and the kids sat in front of the huge screen.
When I took notice of what they where watching
I said . . . ."We have some great programming
and you are watching this?"
They looked at me as though I was crazy and said
"Well mom, we can watch Phineas and Ferb....
or we could be watching MTV!"
I quickly agreed with their choice in programming.
And decided to be more supportive with cable options!