Tuesday, September 17, 2024


A friend wrote this on FB. 
I've said many times that "churchy" people are the main reason people stop going to church, or never go in the first place. It seems to be getting even worse with spewing hate, judgement and ridicule toward people who dare to be or look or think differently than we do. It hurts my heart to think that this is the image of Christianity non-believers are seeing. The devil knows, and can quote, Scripture as well as any human being and still has so much hate inside. Quoting the Bible in one breath and vomiting nastiness in the next is not rooted in love.

I see so many people posting superior self reflections, because they are church goers and they are prayer warriors. Then in their next post, they are bad mouthing politicians and showing their hate. How can you be a good person, then show your ugly? The two don’t go together. 

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