Friday, September 20, 2024


Respect is earned 
Honestly is appreciated 
Trust is gained 
Loyalty is returned
Zig Ziglar

Thursday, September 19, 2024


Had dinner and drinks with coworkers in Louisville tonight. 
Great fun!!!
Below is the “Sneaky Bastard” that I took back to my room! 

Tuesday, September 17, 2024


A friend wrote this on FB. 
I've said many times that "churchy" people are the main reason people stop going to church, or never go in the first place. It seems to be getting even worse with spewing hate, judgement and ridicule toward people who dare to be or look or think differently than we do. It hurts my heart to think that this is the image of Christianity non-believers are seeing. The devil knows, and can quote, Scripture as well as any human being and still has so much hate inside. Quoting the Bible in one breath and vomiting nastiness in the next is not rooted in love.

I see so many people posting superior self reflections, because they are church goers and they are prayer warriors. Then in their next post, they are bad mouthing politicians and showing their hate. How can you be a good person, then show your ugly? The two don’t go together. 


“You should be unique, you should be confident, and that’s how people remember who you are. You have to be willing to share who you are 
and your story.”
Venessa Williams 

Monday, September 16, 2024


"Eat at a local restaurant tonight. Get the cream sauce. Have a cold pint at 4 o’clock in a mostly empty bar. Go somewhere you’ve never been. Listen to someone you think may have nothing in common with you.
Order the steak rare. Eat an oyster. Have a negroni. Have two. Be open to a world where you may not understand or agree with the person next to you, but have a drink with them anyways.
Eat slowly. Tip your server. Check in on your friends. Check in on yourself. Enjoy the ride."
Anthony Bourdain

Sunday, September 15, 2024


A dear friend put this on her FB. It is something I have believed for years. It comes from within

Friday, September 13, 2024


Tonight’s Air Show was cancelled due to rain, but I think this 
was a wonderful substitute!

Tuesday, September 10, 2024


My farming attorney client 
stopped in to bring me a very thoughtful treasure!
So sweet! 

Monday, September 9, 2024


“Grief is the price we pay 
for love.”

Queen Elizabeth II

Sunday, September 8, 2024


I was talking with a friend today, about his church. I am more grateful for the church I attended for most of my life, more than I can ever express. I’m glad there are many religions and different beliefs. I am grateful for the knowledge I have and the years of study I done. I can honestly say that I know God. And even though I don’t know all the secrets of the universe, I know I’m not alone. 
I attended 4 years of seminary and I taught in so many capacities. I loved all of that.God and I talk often, and I am so grateful for that relationship. If I need something more that just our talks, I walk through the woods. He is the most tangible to me there. When I’m in the woods, just Him and me, it’s like having his undivided attention just on me. He surrounds me, and I know I am not alone.
 I love to walk in the woods, it is my church. 

Friday, September 6, 2024


There are three ways
to ultimate success.

The first way
Is to be kind.

The second way
Is to be kind.

The third way
Is to be kind. 

-Mister Rogers


“If someone offers you an amazing opportunity and you’re not sure you can do it, say yes~ 
then learn how to do it later.”

Richard Branson


I’ve been to a lot of places. 
But I’ve never been to Cahoots. 
Apparently you can’t go alone, 
you have to be in 
Cahoots with someone. 
I have also never been to Cognito. 
I hear no one recognizes you there. 
I have, however, been in Sane. 
They don’t have an airport, 
you have to be driven there. 
I have made several trips. 

Thursday, September 5, 2024


I have been feeling a 
little down and moody, 
a little not so me.
 I googled my symptoms. 

It’s adulting.
I have adulting. 
I need a cure!


Moving on by pretending that nothing happened 

Staying silent when things 
need to be addressed

Always having to be the 
bigger person

Walking on eggshells because you can’t deal with the emotional fallout

Pleasing the most dysfunctional in hopes to keep the peace

Living a life you are unhappy with when you can see your goal but don’t want to rock the dysfunctional boat

Wednesday, September 4, 2024


Imagine this:
If you had $86,400 in your piggy bank and someone stole $10 from you, would you be upset and throw all of the remaining $86,390 away in hopes of getting back at that person? Or would you move on and live life? You would no doubt move on and live your life.

We all have 86,400 seconds in each day.don’t let someone’s negative 10 seconds ruin the remaining 86390. Don’t sweat the small stuff. 
Life is short, be bigger than that. 

Monday, September 2, 2024


In every relationship there is one person who stacks the dishwasher like a  Scandinavian Architect, and one who stacks it like a raccoon on crystal meth. 

…I also fill my grocery cart the same way. 


On today’s drive I saw three beautiful black horses, I saw fat happy cows, there were geese, two dear, butterflies and dancing dragon flies. 
And although we have twenty days until autumn arrives, the leaves in the woods are changing. There were so many yellow trees in the woods and so much leaf confetti on the wind. The way the wind looked on the soybean fields was awesome. It looked like green lakes with silver green fish streaking through. 
And I have never seen the Ohio River look so blue. It is normally muddy, but with the wind stirring it, the water was bright blue. 
It was a lovely day for a ride. 
It gave me time to ponder, time to think and time to realign some priorities. 

Sunday, September 1, 2024


One of my best friends mother passed away this weekend. I can not express the sorrow and heartbreak.
She left this life as she lived it, making others feel seen and loved, enjoying the life around her and being a true delight. 
The life she lived, the legacy she created here, will live on with all those who were touched by her love.


I want one…or three!


My granddaughter came to play at Grammies this weekend. As we drove to my house she saw a cute pink sign in front of a store. I told her it said “Welcome”. I asked her if she knew what welcome means, and the four year old told me no. So I told her that Welcome means “I’m glad to see you, come on in!”
We practiced that a few times and I hope it’s something that will stick with her. 
So as September has arrived, with hopes of fall to follow shortly, I say