Saturday, July 25, 2020


It has been said that I am never happy with what I have. That I always want more.
I have given this some thought.
I am happy with the things I have.
My furniture is old, my things are old. The only new things I have bought for my house, in the past decade, are chairs. They are all second hand and very inexpensive. I did buy a folding table back in 2016, I needed a sewing table.
I have just bought a new car, it’s used. My last one wouldn’t run. So that was a necessity. It was used as well, I have never had a new, brand new vehicle. And I’m okay with that.
I haven’t got new kitchen gadgets, I did get a new shower curtain. Two of those in the past 3 years. I am very frugal on clothing, shoes, makeup and bling. I spend very little on my hair, and I no longer have my nails done.  I find shopping painful, due to it causing me loss of funds.
I like to go out though, a nice dinner out, breakfast or lunch, I’m not picky. I don’t want it all the time, but I don’t think it’s absurd to like that on a regular bases. I also enjoy going to the movies, the theater, concerts and the like. Yes these are all fluff, and costly fluff. But an indulgence occasionally is a treat.
My big expenses in the past few years were on medical and dental.
I don’t spend money on the latest tech either, no big screen, no game systems, no smart home tech...
I still have an iPhone 5se after all.

Don’t get me wrong. I would like a new bed. Mine is far too old and it was cheep when it was new.
I would also like an upright freezer. First world want!

All in all, I’m pretty happy with all my things though.

Let’s talk about the real issue, as I see it.
I want to own a price of dirt.
I have never owned any land before. I did have a house with my ex but I only lived there for 5 years. Yes I want, more than anything to own a small piece of land, with a small house and woods. I want to grow vegetables and flowers. I toy with the idea of chickens, bees, a lamb or two and maybe a cow. But those are just fluffy thoughts at this point.
I also want to travel. Near and far. I don’t want to go into debt for it, but I want to see everything I haven’t already seen.

Ok, so that is my pocketbook footprint.

I’m okay with that. I have used my own money wisely.
And I haven’t asked anyone for a dime.

I am happy with what I have.
And yes I will always want more. There is a lot I haven’t seen or done yet.
But I think that is called moving forward rather than standing still.

It’s 2am, I’m not editing this. My eyes are tired and my heart feels broken.
I just needed to defend my need for more.

2:48am I would like a nice bedroom set... my 30 year old Target dresser is falling apart, and I have never owned a headboard. So yes I WANT!  And I’m still okay with that, it’s normal!

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