Saturday, July 21, 2012

The Here & Now and the Eternity

If your body weighs the same the minute you die as it did when you were alive....That would cause you to surmise that life is weightless. Dr W W Dyer says, "You cannot weigh, measure, compartmentalize, identify, or otherwise put boundaries on life." (in his book "Wisdom of the Ages")

This causes me to wonder; what do we gain from this life and what do we take from it. I know in Sunday school they teach that we gain knowledge here. And all we leave with is the same things. So I ponder. (This for me was a very hard thing to think of when I was young, it was scary to me. Not so scary any more, but liberating and decisive.)

If all things of the earth have been here since the earth began, and are still here.....just as water, they are constantly recycled. What we are made up of was here before we were, and will be here after we are gone. All that is truly ours is what we know, what we learn, what we give with what we have.

Immortality  is not when, but now. Again, now is part of forever. So, that leads me to think (And I thank both my darling friend Tammy and the accountant, for pricking my thought process ~ even though I could not comprehend it at the time you brought it up, I did shelve your quandaries until I was at a point where I could contemplate them.) that this life is just a stepping stone through eternity. All of our elements were already here before we took on this role. And the elements that make us up will still be here when we are done with this role. Do we just pass from one spot to the next? I think there have been lives before, and there will be lives after. Although, I think we are one in the same. Not becoming someone or something different, our spirit is the eternal unchangeable element. I think that may be why some people in this life are so important to us. Even though  the closeness we feel to them, or the remarkable way in which we came together is unfathomable. How we know we knew that person, but have never met before, or how our paths would never have crossed, but more than just happenstance brought us together. How two can be so compatible, with nothing in their current lives that are in common. How can you live with one, yet not grow. Then find one that causes you to begin and explode with life and progression?

I also think it is wise that we are not able to know the particulars. Not knowing is good sometimes. Sometimes letting go of the reality as we know it and just feeling with your spirit, our true essence, your invisible nature. To evaluate what is right for each of us, the direction to take, the things to hold fast to. What we are looking for is to 'simply know it is true'. That is something no one can give us. We must find that, know that for ourselves.

All this has caused me to want to put things in perspective, chart out a life path, an agenda or life shopping list so to speak, of things I wish to take with me on my journey. Things about me that will be remembered when I am just elements once more. 

I want to fill my life with all I can, after all it wont weigh a thing!!!

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