Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Room for Improvement

Last week a friend pointed out that I may have some room for improvement as far as my attitude goes....OK. My friend rarely steers me wrong, so I have been studying.
I read "Dinner with a Perfect Stranger" by David Gregory. And although I don't quite agree with all the Biblical points, it was wonderful. Brought me to a much needed place.
Next came "The 5 Love Languages". Wow, I learned alot there too. I learned about me, my kids and about how to fill the love tank!!! This is one I thing everyone should take the time too read!
Yesterday I finished "Gifts & Talents" by Carol Carter. Not as much as I was hoping from it. But as with all the others, some great notes for my journal.
Today I started "Life Coaching for Dummies" by Jeni Mumford. Only a fraction into this one so far. But this may be the one I have been looking for. I have been searching for something to help me feel at peace and in control of my life. To be able to feel like I know me. This has some great points.
I still have "The five People You Meet In Heaven" by Mitch Albom, "Ask and It Is Given" by Esther and Jerry Hicks, "Wisdom of the Ages" by Wayne Dyer and "10-10-10" by Suzy Welch on my bed side table, ready to read.
I think I like this hobby of improving me! I needed some direction. I chose the right fork in the road and I am enjoying the journey. But now I feel as though I am making great strides toward finding "me". I recommend the books I have already finished. And would welcome any that my dear friends can suggest!
(I wonder if Nora misses me yet???)

1 comment:

  1. Dive into Wayne Dyer's book - he is amazing - one of my very favorite quotes from him that I have posted on my bulletin board is -

    "If you respond to hate with hate, or anger with anger, it is not because of what was directed your way, it is because that's what's inside you. You can't get prune juice from an orange no matter how hard you squeeze it. You can't give hate if you only have love inside, no matter how much squeezing comes your way!" -Dr. Wayne Dyer-

    That one simple quote has helped me through some pretty tough times !!!!

    I love you Ang !!!
