Wednesday, August 7, 2024


Yesterday I met a lady names Terri. She moved to the Midwest from Colorado. She followed her son when his life plans took him to Southern Indiana. Terre and her son have been a package deal since her divorce some 50 years ago. 
Terri loved Colorado. She love the active and beautiful community she was part of. She loved the fine dining and wine culture. Her son had worked in Scottsdale Arizona for a while, with one of my favorite resorts on Camelback Road. 
His career path brought him to the Midwest, and him momma followed. 
Terri and I chatted for about an hour; about why she longs for home and why I love where I live. 
We both suffer from “transplant displacement” as I call it. But unlike Terri, I love where I have chosen to call home, I have found so many positives about my new home town. Chatting with Terri has reminded me that I need to go more, see more and experience more. 
Terri was delightful, I completely enjoyed my time with her. I hope Terri finds her happy place, she truly deserves it. We all do!

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