Monday, August 5, 2024


I took a drive last night. Back in the woods, up in the hills. Where the two lane roads twist and turn. Where you can see the trees go on for miles. I watched the sun set through the woods, where it looked like a red ball sinking into the inky forest. I watched two horses running in someone’s yard. I wonder who left the gate open. 
I saw two deer at the side of a quite road. So I stopped and watched them. Magical! I saw four more along my drive, one was just a little bitty one. I saw a blond squirrel running up a tree. So cool! 
I didn’t listen to my latest audiobook or even to my playlist.
I talked with my co-pilot, who helped me see a few things clearer. Mostly he just listens, but I can always tell when he is smirking because I just figured out an issue as I talk. I know he puts me in just the right places to see the most amazing things when I’m feeling at my lowest. And I’m grateful, for my trusty little car, for the beautiful place I live, for the magic that surrounds me, and for my co-pilot, who always makes time to be with me and always fills my heart. 

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