Saturday, July 13, 2024


I bought a new bottle of all purpose cleaner the other day. The type you have to dilute. It smells like lemons, nice and fresh. (I know, I could have made my own. I have in the past, but not this time.)
Today I washed down doors, walls and baseboards with it. My little house smells cheery. Then I got super motivated and figured it was well past time to pull out the fridge and give it a good dusting/scrub back there. This is something I did on a regular based when the kids were young. 
But today when that fridge was pulled away from the wall I was horrified. 
I won’t share all the details but it was super nasty. 
Like a massive gang of greasy dust bunnies made it their bad guy hang out, for years and years. Unsupervised!
It was not pleasant. 
Now it is clean and smells lovely. 
Mission complete!

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