Thursday, December 6, 2018

St. Barbra Day

The other day some of my favorite clients stopped in my office to plan their next trip. I love this couple, they are truly delightful. After we had originally set up the appointment, Barbara called and asked if we could change the time to something a bit later. I had space in my calendar so that was just fine. When they arrived I noticed a name tag on Barbara's blouse. (She is always so fashionable!) As they sat down she told me that she had been to a luncheon that day and that is what caused them to be running a bit late. As the conversation went on, I learned that Barbara attends a luncheon every month and all the attendees are named BARBARA! This fascinated me to no end. She went on to tell me how that specific day was St. Barbara's Day. I was then enlightened about St. Barbara, who's tragic life sounded very much like Rapunzel's. She was very devout in her Christian belief, but was tragically killed in the end. top it all off, the Catholic church took away her Saint hood, because she had not done enough charity work. 
At any rate. I helped my beloved clients and their friends plan a trip to see Alaska and the Yukon...
and I was left wondering if somewhere there is an ANGIE luncheon somewhere that I should be attending. 
I love my people!!!!

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