Saturday, June 23, 2018

Overthinking vs Living

I read an article that said
“Stop overthinking so you can start living.”
I have to say that I agree with the statement.

Years ago I made some life changes. I found that learning to like, then love myself was vital.
Once I had reached that point, I realized that I was an investment that I believed in.
I took a leap of faith in me, and started down a new path. Sometimes the path is rocky or has quick sand. But overcoming those pitfalls helps me to pick the next fork in the road.

I think there are some universal truths:
One is knowing the real you, the you you really want to be.
The next is being honest and true to your self. That builds self love.
Next, value yourself. Treat yourself with respect and happiness.
If done right, this will become bigger than you, and you will treat others the same way.
Also, if done correctly, you will no longer care what others think about you.
(Because if they were happy and respect  themselves, they would treat everyone better too. If not, don’t worry, it’s not your circus.)
Then...Set those goals. Make a life list. Be willing to invest in you. Don’t overthink it until you talk yourself into defeat. Personally, I partner with God. We talk things through. I ask for his input. I listen. We create the blueprint. But, in the long run, it’s my effort and willingness to make a change that will achieve a result. If I continue to over think it, I destroy the structure.
Make the leap of faith in you. In your life, in getting what you want.
Deep breath, and jump!
It’s always the first step that is the hardest. Often times that first step is made in the dark.
But every step after that is more clear, the path becomes clearer, lighter, easier.
Don’t get me wrong, there will always be stepping stones along your path; life lessons. And there will be new forks that will need to be pondered. But when you stop overthinking and make that investment in you...That’s when life starts!

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