Wednesday, September 16, 2015


I met Margarette today.
She stopped by my office before heading to Germany tomorrow. She is going to see her younger sister. I helped her get her things in order, and she told me stories.
When she was a girl of 12, she and her grandmother had been working in their vineyard. That afternoon an old gypsy woman came to them, selling ribbons. The gypsy took the girl's hand, and told her that one day she would move to America and marry a man named Frank. Many years later, as she was a young bride in New Albany, Indiana, she remembered the gypsy. Margarette had moved to the Hoosier state when she and Frank were married.
One day, she and Frank had taken a Sunday drive; westward along the Ohio river. When they drove through what is now the historic district of Evansville, Margarette knew she was home. She and Frank bought two turn of the century houses, restored them,and helped bring a neighborhood back to life. She has since restored many other homes. Twice she has moved to the west side of town, but she always comes back to where she feels at home.
Each year Margarette takes this trip to Germany to see her sister. She spends a month or so there. They travel and explore together. One year, during a hot summer, they were driving through the country side when Margarette told her sister she would like a pesche. Her sister said she shouldn't use the old words from their small town, but use the correct German pronunciation; Pfirsiche. As they drove, the came across a farmers market. There on the hand painted sign read “PESCHE”, and Margarette beamed with older sister pride.
Pesche and Pfirsiche are the Italian and German words for Peaches.
Years later, Margarette was again in her hometown in Germany. This time she was walking through the church with her aunt. Her aunt began to tell her that the church was built back in the 1700’s, and that Italian artisans were hired to paint the frescos within the church. These Italian artists brought their families, and their way of life. They helped to settle the small town, and there they stayed. One of the things they brought with them for Italy were the Pesche that they planted all over the country side. That is how a German woman knows Pfirsiche as Pesche.
As we waited for her confirmation to arrive and her paperwork to be completed, she told me of her love for the area we live in. She told me of the towns beginnings, and the history. We talked about gardening and neighborhoods, about the river and the bug population. 
There are people that I have met in my life time that are amazing. I am blessed to have met Margarette. As I walked her to the door, this seventy something beauty hugged me, then she said "There is always a reason people come into your life!" I smiled, that's something I always say! I hope she has a wonderful visit with her sister, I hope the trip is happy and magical, I hope she finds fresh Pesche.
When she gets back to our little "Delta" as she calls it here, she is taking me for a tour. I can hardly wait!!

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