Sunday, October 5, 2014


It was very chilly this morning, so I put a cute sweater on the Cheree. Then we headed outside. Like lightning, she was out the door. I had wanted to go across the road and get a good look at the Warren's tobacco barn, but when I turned around to get the retractable leash, I realized that I had locked the door behind me.
....You know that panic that runs through you at that moment, well I only has a second to endure that, as I turned around to see the dog bolting past the barn and onto the road.  
The area we live in is very rural, the road is very narrow and the neighbors drive like they had to be there hours ago. So I took off after the dog. She came when I called her, almost! The more I called, the faster she ran. We have lived here for 4 months now, and this was the first time she has gone out of the yard; our yard is an acre, surrounded by fields and a creek, its not like there isnt enough space for the tiny dog. Half way up the road I thought, "I'll go get the car, it will be faster than walking"....but the keys were in the house, and oh ya, the door was locked. By the time I was to the end of the road and up the hill, she was just about as far away as the house was behind me. I had already tried to entice her back by offering treats, so from the top of the hill I yelled "LET'S GO FOR A WALK".
At this point, let me just reiterate what my son has said "She is so cute, but she is stupid blond!"
Yes, in no time at all she was up the other side of the hill to go for a walk. So I grabbed her by that cute sweater and carried her stupid naughty self home. Where she was put on her leash immediately.
Then I could deal with the fact that I had no way to get in the house.

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