Sunday, April 28, 2013

My Princess and The Peas

Dinner with Cookie is always a treat. Tonight I sauteed chicken and steamed green peas. A very simple dinner, but tasty. We chit chatted during dinner, it was nice. Cookie has the most interesting table manners. As she was finishing her peas she picked up her plate and looked at me over the edge of it. I said "You are kidding me right?" she said, "They were bothering me" And at that she shoveled the peas from her plate right into her mouth. I sat there in disbelief. I told her I would be blogging this charming event. And she said if I keep blogging what she does she will never get a boyfriend. I agreed. 
So can I just say.....even though my princess had the most atrocious table manners.... at least she likes vegetables!!!!

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